Thursday, January 21, 2016

John Brown University

 Yesterday, we left the house a few minutes after six to make a quick trip up to John Brown University.  Several SITAG students have attended this school and spoke very highly of the Missionary Kid (MK) program.

The girls went one direction and the boys went another to maximize our time.  During Sarah's first class, my phone buzzed.  I looked down to discover that a missionary friend of ours in the Philippines sending me a message via Facebook.  He was reminding me that his son attended JBU, too!

So during lunch, we got to eat with our SITAG director's daughter as well as our friend's son from the Philippines.  We fired lots and lots of questions at them!

The girls and I enjoyed a choir rehearsal working hard on one of my favorite pieces, Set Me As a Seal.  How I miss being part of the music world!  It was a delight to involved in the nitty gritty hard work of tuning and vowels that make choir such an amazing experience.  The guys were sitting through a senior level engineering class while the girls enjoyed the music.

After the campus tour, we drove over to meet the missionaries in residence.  Every week, they host the MKs, and we were thrilled to meet this sweet family who works in Africa and visit with the large group of MKs who gathered for a meal.

It was a SITAG reunion of sorts!  Both of these students grew up in the Solomon Islands, and we enjoyed seeing them as young adults blossoming in college.

We finally returned home about ten o'clock, tired but super happy with our introduction to JBU.  We're still praying for God's direction about Sarah and Benjamin's future, and it's been fun gathering information to equip us to make wise decisions.

1 comment:

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Glad that went so well... and SO supportive of the MKs :D