Saturday, January 24, 2015

We're Off!

Thanks to Benjamin and his teenage buddies, the truck was loaded in twelve minutes yesterday afternoon!

We'll be leaving SITAG in just a little while to make our way down to the wharf and find our favorite space on the Kosco.  Prayers appreciated as we have a full day of travel ahead of us and some intense weeks ahead. 

And a reminder, too, that we will not have internet access and our village e-mail is very limited and unreliable.  But please do comment on the blog while we're gone, I can't moderate comments from the village, but I enjoy reading your thoughts when I come back to Honiara.


Nahna said...

You go, proud of all your hard work. Travel safely.

Love you 6

Bartokhound said...

Prayer for you and yours as you journey back on Kosco. So sad the pig will not be on your return trip. He had a one-way ticket to Christmas dinner. Poor guy.

Love and prayers,


Unknown said...

Your Benjamin is so silly!

Abi's Blog said...

Teenagers really come in handy!
Love to all,