Saturday, September 13, 2014

G'Day Solomons Fun Run

Bright and early this morning, Team SITAG drove down to participate in the G'Day Solomons Fun Run.


We discovered that running on a flat paved surface is much easier than running on a pitted, gravel, hilly surface with dogs and drunks running after you. 

But a chilled green coconut is still a nice way to cool down after you've just run your heart out to cross the finish line.

I was super proud of my kids!  Both Sarah and Benjamin had their best times yet on the 5K,

and a couple of our colleagues won prizes for being some of the oldest people to participate in the race. 


Herding Grasshoppers said...

Woo-hoo! Three cheers from around the world :D Kudos for doing well, and just for DOING it!


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha my favorite line: "We discovered that running on a flat paved surface is much easier than running on a pitted, gravel, hilly surface with dogs and drunks running after you."

Great job on running you guys!
