Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Last Week–Sun & Mon

Sunday, August 21
Most of us are beginning to feel better now, but we are still staying close to home for the "facilities".  Aaron went to a community meeting after church which lasted for several hours, and I went down and practiced asking people things like, "Kosora lalumun, man avolorine ngongoa?" (What did you do this morning?)and "Daine, man ngovolorirem?" (Tomorrow, what are you going to do?) and recording their answers.  I'm trying to get a handle on verbs and how to use the correct tenses in everyday visiting.  Slowly but surely, my vocabulary is growing, tiny word by tiny word.

Monday, August 22
This week is set aside for the community to try and finish up the church building, so Aaron went to work on laying the ceiling in the church today. Marulaon is hoping to dedicate the church building sometime early next year.

Nobody is physically back to 100% yet, but we are seeing signs of improvement.

Our rain tank measured fourteen inches of water today. The tap is a few inches above the bottom, so we actually have less available water, but we're thankful for what still remains in the tank!

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