Monday, August 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 30

It poured rain today during our first day back at school.  We were so thankful for the sound of the rain in our rain tanks (especially since all three had been empty only a few days before we came).  What an appropriate way to begin our new read-aloud, "The House of Sixty Fathers" by Meindert Dejong, while we sat on our rain speckled porch and drank hot chocolate.  From the opening paragraph of the book:  "Rain raised the river.  Rain beat down on the sampan where it lay in a long row of sampans tied to the riverbank.  Rain drummed down on the mats that were shaped in the form of an arched roof over the middle of the sampan...."


Tuesday, June 29

God has given us some cloudy, cool days to spend unpacking and cleaning inside the house.    We're amazed at the soot and dust that collects on the window louvers, the bookshelves (and books), and the floor while we're gone.  At this point, we're all a little cranky and thankful that the big cleaning is almost finished.


My friend, Naris, greeted me with stories about why she is so thin now.  She is expecting again after a miscarriage last time we were in Marulaon, but she has been very sick with this pregnancy.  She told me that she cut her hair to help her get healthy again, and now she is feeling much better.  I still have so much to learn about how my friends think here in Marulaon.



Monday, June 28

Aaron and I watched the most amazing full moon rise over the Pacific Ocean tonight.  God's creation astounds me.

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