Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Coordinating Injuries

Tuesday, July 21

Olivia and Benjamin seem to be joined at the hip in adventures. This afternoon, the three big kids were swimming in the ocean. We have encouraged them to wear shoes when they swim to protect their feet from the coral and the trash. Sarah came dashing up the hill calling for Daddy to come get Benjamin who had cut his foot. Sure enough, Benjamin was bleeding everywhere again and had cut a chunk out of the ball of his foot. Aaron cleaned him up, and we propped his foot up and gave him a book. Then we called the girls in to shower and get ready for supper and church. While I was cooking supper, I heard Olivia holler, so I finished what I was doing and went to check on her. I found her holding her elbow and crying. She explained that she had slipped and fallen and her elbow had caught the edge of the shower basin on the way down. She had a nice "V" shaped cut on her elbow, so we bandaged her, too. I hope that Olivia and Benjamin are finished with coordinating their injuries!

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