Sunday, March 29, 2009

National Fish Day

I don't know who comes up with these crazy holidays, but they sure are fun! We pulled out the foam fish that I made years ago for Sarah (half have lower case letters, the other half have upper case letters). Katherine had a blast playing with them, and later Olivia joined her.

My camera battery died just before the girls started sorting them by color, but it was really sweet to watch them play together. Big thanks for the care package with the Goldfish in it - I've been saving them for today! Katherine had never tasted the cheezy crackers before and she devoured them (so did the rest of the kids). We enjoyed a fun, silly, and restful Sabbath afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad y'all liked the goldfish crackers! They looked so colorful and fun, as well as yummy, so you can't go wrong with that combination. ;) Hope you all are doing well and having a great weekend.